Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2022

When to worry if your baby has jaundice?


 It's perfectly normal for all newborns to have jaundice a few days after birth. Parents don't have to panic after seeing their babies have yellow eyes and skin. This yellow discoloration is common in newborns.

Jaundice is due to an elevated level of yellowish pigment in the blood. This yellow pigment, known as bilirubin, is formed when the baby's body breaks down excess red blood cells. According to Dr. Radhakrishnan, this is typically seen on the baby’s second or third day of life and is called physiological jaundice.

Most often, physiologic jaundice does not require treatment and will improve on its own. Placing the baby under light, called phototherapy, is the most common treatment to lower bilirubin levels. 

However, if the jaundice is noticeable on the first day of your baby’s life or it affects the chest or abdomen, it’s a sign their level of bilirubin may be higher than normal and the baby should be evaluated by their doctor.

The problem could be more than physiologic jaundice. It could be other issues such as blood group incompatibility, infection in the bloodstream, viral infections, abnormalities of certain enzymes or the red cell membrane. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

What to do when your baby has nasal congestion?


Baby nasal congestion or baby “stuffy nose” upsets the baby a lot. They do not know how to communicate to the adults but cry. It can be quite an ordeal to see them suffer and lose their appetite. I
t can really affect sleep and eating habits.

Nasal congestion is typically caused by anything that inflames the nasal tissues - usually a cold, influenza, sinusitis, or allergies. There are several ways to relieve the baby from their nasal discomfort. You can read them here (webmd) but today I'm just going to introduce this method using the nasal aspirator which you can buy at the pharmacy easily. All parents with babies should equip with this gadget.

Babies don't have the ability to blow their nose, so this gadget really helps a lot. This is a quick relieve to their nasal congestion or blocked nose, the ultimate solution is of course to bring them to their pediatrician. 

How to use the nasal aspirator:
Squeeze the bulb before you place it in the nose. That way, when you release the bulb, it will pull out mucus from inside. Please note that if you squeeze when the bulb is already inside a nostril, it will give off a puff of air that could push the mucus farther into the nasal cavity. So be mindful when using this.

Squeeze out any mucus inside the bulb onto a tissue. You can do this about 15 minutes or so before you feed your child and before bedtime. This will help your baby breathe more easily when they nurse, take a bottle, or go down to sleep.

Hope this helps.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Milk supply: How much milk should I pump?


Most breastfeeding mothers tend to worry about their milk supply. "How much milk did you pump in week 3?" Many would compare their supply with their friends and colleagues. They are constantly worrying if they are giving their babies enough milk. How much expressed milk will my baby need?

As a general rule, if the first month of exclusive breastfeeding is going well, your milk production dramatically increases from about 30 ml on Day 1 to a peak of about 900 ml per baby around Day 40.

In exclusively breastfed babies, milk intake increases quickly during the first few weeks of life, then stays about the same between one and six months. After six months, breastmilk intake will continue at this same level until — sometime after six months, depending in baby’s intake from other foods — baby’s milk intake begins to decrease gradually.

Research tells us that exclusively breastfed babies take in an average of 750 ml per day between the ages of 1 month and 6 months. Different babies take in different amounts of milk; a typical range of milk intakes is 570-900 ml per day.

We can use this information to estimate the average amount of milk baby will need at a feeding:
  • Estimate the number of times that baby nurses per day (24 hours).
  • Then divide 750 ml by the number of nursings.
  • This gives you a “ballpark” figure for the amount of expressed milk your exclusively breastfed baby will need at one feeding.


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Why do babies spit milk?

Don't worry. It is normal for young babies to spit up regularly. The peak age for spitting up is 4 months.
  When your baby takes in air along with his breast milk or formula, the air gets trapped in with the liquid. The air has to come up, and when it does, some of the liquid comes up too, through his mouth or nose.

Some babies take in too much milk for their sizes, so sometimes they become overfilled and milk overflow through spitting up.

Another reason is a newborn's digestive system isn't fully developed. The muscles at the bottom of your baby's esophagus, which control whether food is coming or going, is yet to be fully developed. So spitting up is not necessarily a worry.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Formula milk consumption and storage guideline


Once prepared, the formula is ready to feed to your baby immediately without additional refrigeration or warming.

Formula that's been prepared should be consumed or stored in the refrigerator within 1 hour.

If it has been at room temperature for more than 1 hour, throw it away. And if your baby doesn't drink all the formula in the bottle, throw away the unused portion — do not save it for later.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Haircut for kids

Babies and kids tend to get scared and cries during their haircuts. It's perfectly normal for toddlers to feel anxious during haircut time, especially when they are being wrapped in a plastic cape, surrounded by unfamiliar sights and sounds, squirted with water, and attacked with a pair of sharp scissors or an electric shaver by a stranger! Thus a friendly and familiar environment is very important to them. Imagine, if you could take your child to a hair salon especialised for kids, which they can sit in an airplane/fire truck/race car and watch a DVD while getting their hair cut, isn't it wonderful?

Several hair salons have sprung up specially for children, complete with fun chairs and distractions like cartoons to watch and XBox 360 gaming consoles that will make the whole experience child's play and make them forget they are having their hair cut.

If your toddler has hair-cutting phobia, try bring them to these specialised kids salon:

Hua Xia
The salon's chairs come in the shape of toy car, airplane or truck, where kids can pick a DVD to watch while they have their hair cut. Its hairdressers also make home visits for babies too young to leave the house, charging the usual fee for a cut plus transport fees.

Price: S$16 per cut and the fifth cut is FREE!

Location:168 Punggol Field #02-09 Punggol Plaza


Junior League Children's Style Salon
Kids are pampered with candy, balloons, toys and stickers. Each chair even comes fitted with its own TV screen, playing popular cartoons like Dora The Explorer and Tom And Jerry. Its first outlet was opened at United Square, and has now grown to a chain of four. Its three other outlets are at Suntec City, Parkway Parade and inside VivoCity's Toys "R" Us.

Price: S$18 per cut

Forum Mall #03-03/25 (in Toys "R" Us)
Vivo City #02-183 (in Toys "R" Us)
Parkway Parade #02/52
Suntec City #03/K02
United Square #01-76A

Website: NIL

Curly & Spike
From the funky décor to the specially designed kids styling stations, everything is set up just for kids. Equipped with special dwarf-size seats, each comes with a 19-inch flat screen TV, a DVD player and XBox 360 with the latest games like Shrek and Superman to pacify the scissor-avoiding squirmer.

Price: $20 per cut

Location: 81 Clemenceau Avenue#02-14 UE Square


Other places:
Kitz Kid's Salon
80 Marine Parade Road
#02-52 Parkway Parade
Tel: 63465818

Cost: $16

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How much milk does my baby need?

In exclusively breastfed babies, milk intake increases quickly during the first few weeks of life, then stays about the same between one and six months (though it likely increases short term during growth spurts). Some breastfeeding research does not indicate that breastmilk intake changes with baby's age or weight between one and six months. Breastmilk intake will continue at this same level until -- sometime after six months, depending in baby's intake from other foods -- baby's milk intake begins to decrease gradually.

Studies found that average breastmilk intake to be:
750 ml per day between the ages of 1 month and 6 months. Different babies take in different amounts of milk in typical range of 570-900 ml per day.
875 ml per day at 7 months
550 ml per day at 11-16 months.
400-550 ml per day between 12 and 24 months
300-360 ml per day between 24 and 36 months

There is also a formula for estimating the amount of milk to offer a breastfed baby at a feed. Take your baby's weight (in pounds) and multiply by 2.5 (oz). Or take your baby's weight (in kg) and multiply by 156 ml. Divide by the average number of feedings in a 24-hour period. This will equal the amount of mother's milk per feeding. Remember that this is theoretical -- all babies are unique and have different needs.

1 pound of weight needs 2.5 oz
1 kg of weight needs 156 ml


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Are your kids drinking too much juices?


If your toddler has recently lost his interest in food, do check if he is drinking too much juices. Too much juices can spoil a kid's appetite, at the same time not good for digestion. Read this:

Avoid fruit juice drinks because they contain a lot of sugar. Sugary drinks and juice can fill toddler's up and decrease their intake of more nutritious foods. Limit juice to about 125mL (½ cup) per day. If fruit juice is given it should be diluted with water and only in small amounts. Choose 100% fruit juice and avoid sugary fruit drinks.

Juices fill kids with empty calories. Fruit juices can fill kids up so that they're not hungry at the dinner table and are too full to eat more nutritious foods. Certain juices are associated with tummy troubles. Some fruit juices -- including apple, pear, and prune -- contain sorbitol, a naturally occurring but problematic sugar alcohol. Because sorbitol is not completely absorbed in the small bowel, it makes its way to the large bowel where it ferments and produces gas. In addition, many of the juices that contain sorbitol also have an imbalance in the ratio of the sugars fructose and glucose, which may reduce fructose absorption. These factors can lead to cramps, diarrhea, or loss of appetite in a child. Several studies have reported this malabsorption, or incomplete digestion.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Baby talk?

Baby talk is a nonstandard form of speech used by adults in talking to toddlers and infants, characterized by the shortening and simplifying of words, and more so, the repetition of words, as in cat-cat, car-car, bird-bird, especially in the Singapore context. It is so common to hear parents saying to their babies, "Look at that bird-bird!" while pointing to the bird in the sky, or simplying exclaiming "car-car, dog-dog!!!" in their eagerness to teach their kids.

While many researchers have argued that baby talk is more effective than regular speech in getting an infant's attention and studies have also shown that infants actually prefer to listen to this type of speech, we must know that children understand more than what they can say, so teach them the correct word (and pronunciation) from the start! Try not to simplify words like calling a banana "nana". Children are likely to initially struggle to say a word like “banana” correctly, perhaps saying “nana” instead. However, it’s important that adults continue to model the correct pronunciation. Aim to indirectly follow up an incorrect pronunciation from a child with your own correct model, as just hearing how it should be said in the right context is helpful to children.

Some examples of widely-used baby talk words in Singapore include:

bird bird (birds)
car car (cars)
cat cat (cats)
dada (dad, daddy)
dog dog (dogs)
milk milk (milk)
nana (banana)
num num ( food/dinner)
poo-poo (pass motion)
shee-shee (pee, urinate)

Instead of struggling to correct your kids' language when they grow up, why not start with the correct foundation now?

Monday, February 04, 2008

The goodness and benefits of probiotics

Probiotics are health-promoting, friendly bacteria with many potential benefits. Strains of the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, are the most widely used probiotic bacteria.

  • Probiotics help maintain and restore the delicate balance of both "good" and "bad" bacteria necessary for a healthy digestive system. Without that balance, harmful bacteria can multiply and take over, causing gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea or abdominal pain. Probiotics help normalise the whole digestive system.
  • The strains of good bacteria in the gut help with digestion of food. It's especially good for children who consume milk but who lack the enzyme to break down the lactose in the milk. This gives them gas, abdominal pain and loose stools. Probiotics helps them to digest the lactose better, these symptoms are reduced and they recover faster.
  • The probiotic bacteria may help relieve constipation by improving intestinal mobility.
  • Preliminary testings show that probiotics can help boost the immune system. One specific finding shows that lactobacillus GG may reduce respiratory infections and their severity among children in daycare.
  • There is also evidence that probiotics may help to prevent certain kinds of allergies because they have a beneficial effect on mucous membranes.
  • Probiotic consumption may reduce the risk for colon, liver and breast cancers.
  • Probiotic is recommended after a course of antibiotics so that the child can restore good bacteria back to the gut.

As probiotics contain live bacteria, they have to be kept at a cool temperature, as in a refrigerator. Parents are told not to put probiotics in warm milk as it will destroy the live bacteria. It must be taken in cool water.

Some milk powder like Pediasure Complete have probiotics added and it instructs parents to mix the milk powder with cold water when preparing milk. Follows as instructed!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Why do babies cry?

All babies cry. A crying baby, especially if the crying continues for a long period of time, can be stressful on the parents or caregivers. A pacifier can comfort her but don't jump on to use it too quickly, always try to find out the cause first.

Here are a few common things that could be causing your baby to cry:

Hunger - is she crying for milk? She could be hungry. If she turns her head towards you when you hold her, she's probably hungry.

Dirty diaper - she'll be ucomfortable in a dirty diaper. Change her wet nappy and see if she still cries after that.

Illness/Colic - check for symptoms of illness such as fever, shallow breathing, diarrhoea, vomiting, perspiration, lack of interest in feeds, rashes or unusual skin colour. A piercing cry would mean she's unwell. If she thrashes her arms and legs around, she might be in pain. If she draws her legs up and goes red in the face when she's crying, she may be suffering from colic and may have a build-up of wind in her stomach.

Tired/Cranky - sometimes she could be tired and overstimulated.

Here are some effective ways to soothe your baby:

Rocking or swinging
Many babies enjoy the motion involved in rocking or swinging. You can rock your baby in a rocking chair or swing in a porch swing.

Wrapping the baby in a snug blanket (swaddling)
Wrapping the baby snugly in a receiving blanket may help him feel safe and secure. Some parents find swaddling the most effective method of soothing their infants, ages newborn to six weeks.

Singing, talking, or humming
Just hearing your voice could be soothing for a crying baby. You can try singing to her, humming, reading a book to her or just talking. Hold the baby against your chest when you are singing or humming, the vibrations of your voice and the sound of your heartbeat are also soothers.

Taking a walk
Try taking a walk outside. Some babies respond well to the sights and sound of the outdoors. Put your baby in his stroller and take a walk around the block.

Driving around
Some parents find the driving trick does wonders in soothing a crying baby. As soon as you place a child in their car seat and start driving, they fall asleep. Perhaps it's the change of scenery, the motion of the car or the hum of the engine that soothes them, or perhaps a combination of all three.

Fever in children and toddlers: taking their temperature

The normal body temperature is between 36.5°C and 37.5°C.

If your child has temperature above 37 °C, he or she may be having a fever. But then, that depends on where you took the temperature. Temperature taken from different parts of the body with different thermometers give different readings. Temperature above 39°C is considered high fever and should consult the doctor.

Use a reliable thermometer to tell if your child has a fever when his or her temperature is at or above one of these levels (according to Singapore Health Promotion Board):

37.9°C measured tympanically (in the ear)
37.5°C measured orally (in the mouth)
37.2°C measured in an axillary position (under the arm)

However, it is also important to read the manufacturer's instructions for each thermometer reading range for evaluating fever.

What causes fever?
It's important to remember that fever by itself is not an illness — it's usually a symptom of an underlying problem. Fever has several potential causes:

Infection: Most fevers are caused by infection or other illness. Fever helps the body fight infections by stimulating natural defense mechanisms.

Overdressing: Infants, especially newborns, may get fevers if they're overbundled or in a hot environment because they don't regulate their body temperature as well as older children. However, because fevers in newborns can indicate a serious infection, see a doctor immediately if you suspect your infant is having a fever.

Immunizations: Babies and children sometimes get a low-grade fever after getting vaccinated.

As a general rule of thumb, consult the pediatrician or doctor when your child:
  • Is feeding poorly, vomiting or lethargic.
  • Is very young, especially less than 3 months old.
  • Has difficulty breathing .
  • Is drowsy.
  • Looks sicker than previously.
  • Has abdominal pain and discomfort.
  • Has rash.
  • Has decreased urine output.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Baby development milestones (Month 1 - Month12)

Most babies should be able to . . .

Month 1
  • Lift head briefly when on stomach
  • Respond to sound
  • Blink at bright lights
  • Stare and focus at faces

Month 2
  • Smile in response to your smile
  • Follow objects with eyes
  • Make noises other than crying
  • Repeat Ooohs and aahhs

Month 3
  • Hold up head at 45 degree angle while on stomach
  • Hold head steady when upright
  • Laugh and smile
  • Recognize your face
  • Open and shut hands
  • Kick legs

Month 4
  • Hold up head at 90 degree angle while on stomach
  • Bear weight on both legs
  • Goo and coo when you talk
  • Laugh and smile

Month 5
  • Roll over
  • Do small mini push ups
  • Pay attention to small objects held in front of his or her face
  • Reach out for objects
  • Grasp a rattle or toy

Month 6
  • Keep head level when pulled to sitting position
  • Sit momentarily with minimal support
  • Roll back in forth in both directions
  • Imitate sound and facial expressions
  • Reach for and grabs objects and toys

Month 7
  • Sit without support
  • Make razzing sounds
  • Imitate sound
  • Work at getting a toy that is out of reach
  • Feed self a cracker or finger food

Month 8
  • Start crawling
  • Sit without support
  • Pass object from one hand to the other
  • Respond to own name
  • Mouth and chew on objects
  • Reach for spoon when being fed
  • Turn away when finished eating
  • Say mama and dada to both parents (usually isn’t specific)

Month 9
  • Stand while holding on to something
  • Look for dropped objects
  • Pull up to standing position from sitting
  • Clap and bang objects together
  • Combine syllables into word like sounds
  • Separation and stranger anxiety may begin

Month 10
  • Stand holding on to someone or something
  • Walk holding onto furniture
  • Pull up to standing position from sitting
  • Wave goodbye
  • Crawl well
  • Use thumb and finger pincer grasp to pick things up

Month 11
  • Say mama and dada to the right parents
  • Wave goodbye
  • Clap hands
  • Understand the word no but doesn’t always obey it
  • Stand alone momentarily
  • Play ball and patty cake

Month 12
  • Imitate others sounds and activities
  • Babble different word like sounds
  • Indicate wants with gestures other than crying
  • Clap hands and bang objects together
  • Say one word other than mama or dada
  • Crawl well
  • Walk holding onto furniture well
  • Fearful of strangers
  • Pull off socks

Friday, January 25, 2008

Buying a baby cot

Our cosy bed is where we spend the most time in. This is even more so for babies. Young babies on average sleep for 16 hours a day. Therefore choosing the right bedding for your little bundle of joy is of extreme importance. Here are some tips on choosing the basic beddings such as cot, cot mattress, and cot bumpers for your precious ones.

  • Look for Cer­tification to make sure standards have been met
  • A cot usually has one or both sides that can drop so that you can put down and pick up your baby more easily.
  • Decide on whether you need one or two hands to operate the mechanism that drops the side; go for one handed designs if you can, because you will need the other arm to carry your baby.
  • Cots are designed with wooden bars, make sure the bars are no more than 6 cm (2 inches) apart
  • Make sure that there are no splinters or cracks in the wood.
  • Buy one where you can adjust the base height of the mattress. There are usually two or three adjustable levels.
  • Buy those with plastic covering on teething rails. Check that the plastic covering are tightly secured and unbroken
  • Choose those with casters for mobility. Also make sure they are lockable.
  • Avoid cots which have knobs that protrude.
  • Avoid cot with decorative playbeads set into the cot ends. These will make the cot more attractive but not essential as you can easily attach toys to the cot.
  • There are cots that can be transformed into a bed when the kids grow older, choose those if desired

Cot mattress
  • Look for firmness in the mattress
  • Prefer those with pocketed ­coil innerspring
  • If there is a family history of allergy, select a dense foam (or put an airtight cover over an innerspring)
  • Make sure the mattress is a snug fit in cot (with no more than two adult­finger widths between cot and mattress).
  • Cot bumpers
  • Cot bumper is a piece of padded fabric which attaches to the inside of the cot
  • Look for snug not floppy fit around entire perimeter of cot, due to the danger of suffocation or strangulation if the bumper is loosen and the baby’s head comes into contact with them
  • There should be at least 6 ties or sets of snaps for fastening to cot rails

For all the above items, always look out for:
  • lead­free paint, if painted
  • sturdy non­tip construction
  • smooth edges and rounded corners

  • rough edges
  • sharp points
  • small parts that might break loose
  • exposed hinges or springs
  • attached strings, cords, or ribbons
Source:, 3 May 2007

How to choose a car seat

Shopping for a car seat can be an overwhelming chore for parents. There are so many types, models and sizes. In choosing car seat, it is important to consider whether the car seat is:
  • the appropriate size and type for your child?
  • able to provide the best fit and comfort for your child?
  • able to fit securely in your car?
  • easy to fasten into your car?
  • easy to fasten your child into?
Types of seats. The first question that must be answered is, what's the right seat for your child? Here are the basics about the different types of seats and some of their features.

Rear-facing, infant-only seat. For infants 5 to 20 pounds; some seats will hold up to 22 pounds. These have a handle that allow you to take the seated infant with you, and then snap the seat into either a frame or stroller. Many models also have a detachable base that stays in the car, allowing you to easily snap the car seat in without fooling around with the seatbelt. It's very important that the seat be angled correctly to protect the baby (45 degrees), so some seats come with angle indicators and built-in angle adjusters. Also look for harness adjusters and head support systems. Some infant car seats now come bundled with strollers and can snap into them (called "Travel Systems"). Personally, I prefer the Universal Infant Car Seat Carrier made by Kolcraft or the Baby Trend Snap-n-Go. They are compatible with most infant seats and have less bulk and weight than travel systems, but won't take you past the infant stage.

Convertible seat, which can face rearward or forward. For toddlers, 20 to 40 pounds; some Britax models go up to 65 pounds. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you should keep your child rear-facing until he is at least one year old and has reached the highest weight or height allowed by the seat's manufacturer (check the manual). At that point, you should turn the safety seat forward-facing and make the following three adjustments before installing: Move the shoulder straps to the top slots or as they are described in the manufacturer's instructions. The shoulder straps must be at or above your child's shoulders. Check instructions for any additional information on the placement of the shoulder straps that may be specific for your car safety seat.

Booster seats. Will hold a child from 30-100 pounds, depending on the model. Children should not move from a full harness to a booster seat until they reach the top weight or height allowed by the car seat manufacturer. High-back boosters are for use in cars without a head rest or high seat back. They're also a good idea if your child tends to fall asleep in the seat, or if the seatbelt still doesn't fit properly with a backless booster. Avoid shield boosters altogether.

Source:, 9 May 2007

How to choose a safe baby walker

The use of mobile baby walkers is a controversial topic. Some people find it unsafe to use and will lead to more injuries than help the baby to walk sooner (Read the advice on child safety from KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital). The note to all parents is never to leave an unsupervised baby in the walker. Baby walkers are seats on wheels. The baby sits in the center of the walker, strapped into a plastic molded seat. A tray surrounds your baby and acts like a bumper when your baby moves close to a wall or a piece of furniture.

Here are some important tips to help you choose the right and safe walker for your infant:
  • Do not buy secondhand models as they might not meet current safety regulations. Some older walkers are collapsible with years of use that weaken the joints and latches.
  • Choose a newer model walker that meets new voluntary safety standards.
  • Baby walkers should have a wide, sturdy, non-tip base to prevent them from tipping over and can't fit through doorways.
  • Walkers should have wide three-sided tray for play and protection.
  • There should be secure locking mechanism to safeguard fingers.
  • They should also have a braking mechanism that prevents the walker from moving if one or more wheels come off of the ground.
Source:, 9 May 2007

Tips for buying a stroller

There are many strollers out there in the market and it can be difficult to know which one to buy. It is important to know what your needs are and then find the stroller that best matches them. Different brands, styles and prices can make the process even more overwhelming.Here are some pointers to bear in mind when choosing a stroller.

Wheels. Look for strollers with large wheels for better maneuverability. The larger the tyre the easier the stroller is going to be pushed. There are 3 basic types of tyres for strollers, hollow plastic, solid composite and air filled. Hollow plastic wheels are cheaper but are prone to cracks and wear with lots of use. Solid wheels are costlier but they should last the life of the stroller. Air filled tires provide not only a comfortable ride but are easy to push over a variety of surfaces.

Brakes. It is important for strollers to have good brakes. The brake on a stroller is simply a wedge that locks the wheels to keep them from spinning. Usually you press down the wedge to lock it and push up to unlock it. The brakes are generally easy to operate with your foot.

Canopy. This is the hood that protects your child from the light, sun, rain and keep strangers’ stares at bay. You will want to make sure that the canopy retracts easily and can be removed for cleaning.

Restraining straps. Make sure the restraining straps that keep the child in the stroller is secure and easy-to-fasten.

Foldability. Ensure easy foldability of the stroller as you are going to use this operation every time you use the stroller. Also check how compact the stroller is able to fold.

Weight. Most people prefer lightweight strollers as they are easy to carry around. Choose a lightweight stroller if you plan to carry it onto buses or other vehicles often.

Handles. Check to see if the handles are of comfortable height. There are two basic types of handles. Stroller will either have two separate handles or one bar across. Stroller with one bar across is generally easier to steer using one hand.

Storage. The main storage area on most strollers is the basket under the seat. These under seat basket are great for holding packages while shopping.

Seat. See if the fabric used on the seat is comfortable. Also check that the reclining mechanism of the seat is easy to operate. There are different degree of angle for recline, while many infants and their parents like a stroller seat to recline completely flat, it is not a necessary.

Source:, 9 May 2007

Clueless about what toys to buy for your kids?

The mind-bogging range of toys and games in the market can create a big headache for parents. Take a glance at the many different types of toys for different age groups below, and you will know the pain involve in choosing the right toys.

Baby Toys: baby mobiles, baby rattles, baby picture books, stacking rings, nesting cups, dolls, stuffed animals, play gym, baby mirrors, baby building blocks and texture toys.

Toddler Toys: construction toys, building blocks, climbing toys, pull toys, push toys, stuffed animals, dolls, jigsaw puzzles, stacking rings, and nesting cups.

Preschooler Toys: construction toys, building blocks, climbing toys, pull toys, push toys, stuffed animals, dolls, jigsaw puzzles, cards, puzzles, and pretend play toys.

Toys for Kids Age 6-12 years: pretend play toys, building blocks, construction toys, climbing toys, stuffed animals, dolls, word games, electronic games, board games and jigsaw puzzles.

When buying toys and games for children, it is important to make sure that they are educational. Educational games help children learn and grow. Don’t waste money in buying toys with no value. When you are looking for educational games, you may consider the following types that bring educational value:

Building blocks. Stacking cups, shape sorters and building blocks are all toys that young children love. They are also very educational.

Cards and board games. Do not underestimate a simple deck of cards. There are many that serve their educational purposes. Alphabet cards, number cards, thematic cards such as Happy Family, Donkey, are some examples of cards for young children. Others like War can teach children their numbers and hearts can teach strategic thinking. Many classic board games like Monopoly, Scrabble, Ladders and Clue are also as educational as they are fun. These are more for older children.

Puzzles and wordplay games. Wordplay games such as crossword puzzles are educational games that kids can play independently. Mad Libs is a classic wordplay game that kids can play with friends. Jigsaw puzzles are games to test the child’s patience and are also educational.

Electronic games are very educational and popular with kids. Both Leap Frog and VTech invent excellent games. There are also many websites that have educational games appropriate for young children. Some examples of fun and educational websites for kids include Funschool, Nickelodeon, Eduplace and Funbrain.

Tips: Look for toys that encourage:

Dramatic play, which helps children work out their own ideas about their experiences. Such toys include blocks; toy vehicles; dress-up clothes such as hats, vests and fashion accessories; toy animals; puppets; and props to recreate real life such as a restaurant or store.

Manipulative play, which helps children develop small muscle control and hand-eye coordination. Examples include construction sets, puzzles, models and toys with interlocking pieces.

Creative and problem solving. Arts toys encourage self-expression and creativity while the use of symbols, and numbers are vital skills for problem-solving and literacy. These include blank pieces of paper, paints, clay, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, and more.

Planning and strategic thinking. These games teach children about taking turns, planning strategy, following rules and cooperating with teammates or opponents. Standard examples are dominoes, card games and checkers.

Avoid choosing toys with:
  • Small parts and sharp edges
  • Violent themes
  • Linked to media entertainment designed for older audiences
  • It is important to select toys and games carefully. Spend some time browsing through sites that sell educational games for more ideas. Visit websites like ToysRUs, KBToys, Wonder Brains, Toys to Grow On, and Toy and Game Warehouse for more toys and games ideas.

Source:, 23 May 2007

I want a boy... no, a girl ...

A mong the zillion predictable questions you'll be asked when you're pregnant ("When is it due.. any morning sickness? ... how do you feel?")

- you will surely encounter the "So what do you want, a boy or a girl?" question. Many people don't want to know. Many people point out that what they prefer doesn't make an iota of difference.

Some couples, though, do prefer one gender to the other, Maybe they hope to have a boy to carry on the family name or business. Some may think a girl is easier or more fun. Other couples may already have two or three boys, and want a girl for a change, or vice versa.

Today, scientific advancements make it possible for couples (those who can afford the service, anyway) to actually choose the sex of their child. For example, the MicroSort system at the Genetics and IVF Institute in Virginia can apparently distinguish between sperm carrying the X-chromosome (for a girl) from a sperm loaded with the Y-chromosome (for a boy) by the fact that the former has 2.8 percent more DNA and is substantially larger than the Y-chromosome.

But for those who
(a) can't make use of Microsort
(b) plan to conceive the normal way,
if you want a boy or a girl, you'll have to rely on much less scientific methods and old wives' tales.
Such as:

To conceive a boy:
The man should wear loose underwear or boxers to increase overall fertility and give the weaker Y-sperms a more 'promising' environment over the Xs; Men should eat more meat, especially red meat, The woman should lie back after having sex; The woman should give in to her husband's seduction.

To conceive a girl:
Have sex in the missionary position; The wife should do the seducing; Both spouses need to cat lots of fish and veggies; Conceive in the afternoon on even days of the month.

But is there anything more 'scientific' on conceiving a boy or a girl?

Sperm strength
One theory is that the sperm with the Y-chromosome (that will produce a baby boy) swim faster and do better in a more alkaline environment, while sperm with the Xchromosome moves more slowly and do better in a more acidic environment.

So tracking when you are more acidic or alkaline, and tailoring your love-making sessions to these periods, may help you.

We got similar suggestions from Dr Chang Ton Choong, an obstetrician and gynaecologist in private practice.

For a girl: Try to have intercourse two to three days before ovulation because the Ychromosome-carrying sperm are not as resilient as the X-carrying ones, and will perish faster. Try to avoid an orgasm, as that increases the alkalinity of the vagina, which enhances the performance of the Y-chromosome sperm. (To increase acidity, Dr Chang suggests using a vinegar douche.) Said Dr Chang: "Some studies show that the position of intercourse should be face to face, as the penetration is shallow and the Y sperms are less likely to survive."

For a boy: Try to have intercourse as close to the time of ovulation as possible. Female orgasm is encouraged and should preferably occur before the male orgasm. This increases the alkalinity of the vagina. (You may also want to use a baking soda douche.) Some studies have also shown that depositing Y-chromosome sperm nearest the cervix enhances their survival.

Can it work?
Dr Christine Yap, an obstetrician and gynaecologist at the Singapore General Hospital and at its Centre For Assisted Reproduction (CARE), said that there is no proof that the Y-chromosome sperm is stronger than the X-chromosome sperm or vice-versa.

A New England study found no relationship between the timing of intercourse and the baby's sex. Also, overplanning your sex life can be stressful and reduce the chances of conception altogether.

She added: "What we are trying to figure out is whether any conditions increase the proportion of X or Y sperm hanging on to the rim of that egg, so the chances of an X or a Y penetrating are higher. But even then, the most willful sperm wins. Nothing much can determine what one single sperm among millions will do."

Health is important, gender isn't
Agreed Sandra Teo, 33, who is expecting her first child later this year: "My husband and I would rather just leave it to God, or chance or whatever, to decide for us. So we have no expectations, as long as we know it's a healthy baby, we're happy."

Worst of all, because you think you will get a girl and buy all manner of girly clothes and toys, you may feel disappointed to have a boy.

Stresed Dr Chang: "There are certainly no guarantees that the sex of the baby will be what you desire, even if you employ all of the above methods. You should aim to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy child, regardless of the sex of the child."

Can you guess by looking?
The other side of the "boy or girl" question is, of course when you're already pregnant and someone tells you 'oh, I can tell you're
carrying a boy because you're..'

Mrs Jongkol Sim, 31, then four months pregnant, was 80 percent sure it was a boy. Why? She said: I had no inclination to put on makeup whenever I went out and the baby was kicking quite actively even when he was just four months. And whenever we went shopping, I would subconsciously look at baby boy's apparel and toys. My husband even bought a football jersey on impulse! We both agreed it was a boy."

Josephine Phua's mother-in-law, though, knew that Josephine was carrying a girl because "her stomach was very round'. Other old wives' tales on the difference between boys and girls in the womb are numerous and often contradictory.

A more active foetus means a boy.
An unusually large abdomen indicates a girl.
Some say that if a scan doesn't reveal the child's genitals it's a girl's sign of shyness
A baby carried 'high' is a boy (though we also found those who said that a baby carried high is a girl!"

A girl takes away your beauty and makes you look haggard.
Girls cause morning sickness etc.

One reason for SEX-SORTING (such as what the Microsort machine in the US can do) is to help prevent the transmission of sex-linked hereditary diseases. However, one report noted that such sex-sorting might cause genetic damage, as the procedure involves tagging chromosomes with something called a fluourochrome. MicroSort is not available in Singapore. Another similar method, called, Flow cytometry, can sort cells in the laboratory for biological experiments, but cannot be used by parents to select their baby's sex. If a patient has concerns about serious sex-linked conditions such as haemophilia, tests such as Chorionic Villus Sampling can be done in the 10th week of pregnancy. It determines the sex of your child and the risk of the disease.

Source: Today's Parents, Aug 2001, p20

How to choose auspicious Chinese baby names?

There are a number of websites on choosing names - both English and Chinese names. For English names, these websites usually offer interpretations for the meaning of names. As for Chinese names, websites offer consultancy servcices to parents who wish to seek help in naming their child. These involve costs. There are websites with engines that calculate the strokes of chinese characters and provide analysis of chinese names - but few. In Chinese tradition, one form of naming analysis which is pretty common is the stroke theory. Some notes on how to use the stroke theory is provided below.

Stroke theory
天格 Determines your fate that comes with your birth
Strokes calculation: Total no. of strokes in surname + 1

人格 Determines your overall fate and destiny
Strokes calculation: Total no. of strokes in surname + Total no. of strokes in first character

地格 Determines your immediate relations with people around you including family members, friends and colleagues.
Strokes calculation: Total no. of strokes first character + Total no. of strokes in second character

总格 Foretells your life after 35 years of age
Strokes calculation: Total no. of strokes in all three characters of the name

外格 Refers to your relations with individuals at large in the society as a whole
Strokes calculation: 总格 - 人格 + 1

The number of strokes and their meanings
No. of Strokes - Meaning
1 - Trustworthy and reliable. A virtuous man will be blessed. Good

2 - It takes hand work to fulfill one’s ambition. But success awaits for those with persistence and perseverance. Medium.

3 - All elements in the universe are in harmony. Fame and wealth come in all directions. Good.

4 - The sun is covered by the clouds. One is faced with obstacles and hardships. One needs endurance and great effort to succeed? Bad

5 - The Ying and Yang are in balance and in your favour. Family will be blessed? Good health conditions. But avoid any form of over indulgences. Good.

6 - One shall attain fame and riches. Success in all areas awaits the one who has strong will and determination. Good.

7 - Energetic, intelligent and decisive. Your sense of good judgment will help you in all business ventures. Good

8 - Maximum effort required in your youth but you will reap the fruits of your labor at later age. Good.

9 - A man of many talents but the lack of opportunities prevent these talents to be exploited. With no benefactors and poor human relations, the road to success is blocked. Bad.

10 - The moon is covered with clouds and its radiance gone. One works very hard but with no results. Bad.

11 - The flowers bloom, the plants sprouting with life in spring. Stable and practical minded, you have no cause for worry. Good

12 - One fights the battle alone. A hero from the outside a broken man from the inside. Bad.

13 - Your past noble deeds will be rewarded. With wisdom and skills, you will succeed. Good

14 - Be patient and determined. One awaits the rain to stop before the sun comes out. Medium

15 - Modesty and a sense of responsibility are your qualities. Destiny
has arranged your way ahead surrounded by benefactors. Good.

16 - A leader of the masses. People respect your integrity. An ideal statesman. Fame and fortune abound. Good.

17 - Seize the day. Always listens to good advice and one will meet a benefactor. Good.

18 - Suited for business and blessed with success and prosperity. But be prudent in your decision making. Good

19 - Your success in your youth resulted in arrogance and pride becomes the root of your failure in later life. Bad.

20 - Charged with high aspirations but dampened by failures. All efforts will be doomed. Bad.

21 - The Plum?blossom blooms grew through the winter frosts and be the first to bloom among the hundreds flowers. The ability to endure hardships pave the way to success. Good.

22 - The autumn leaves turns yellow and swept by the winds. One is gifted with many talents but is deprived of any opportunity to shine and excel. Bad.

23 - The morning sun rises and brightens the sky. Fame spreads in all directions and success is attained in all endeavours. Good.

24 - From rags to riches. With your wisdom and the use of strategies, you will achieve a bright future. Good.

25 - Heaven and earth are in harmony but you are short of good human relations. Cultivate virtues and you will be blessed with good relations. Medium.

26 - A hero creates turbulence and makes drastic changes. He can either create massive good fortune or misfortunes. Medium.

27 - Check. You win once, you lose once. One win one lose, must be caution. Medium.

28 - A fish out of water. Change your name or suffer for the rest of your life. Bad.

29 - The clouds swirl in the sky, the dragon flies to heaven. One achieves success by using wisdom and strategies. Good.

30 - Success and failures are the realities of life. Medium.

31 - You are blessed with fame, and good fortune. Be generous and your good fortune will be extended. Good.

32 - The dragon leaps from the sea to heaven with the aid of the clouds and the winds. When the timing is right and all conditions are in favour, success will be attained. Good.

33 - Being temperamental and emotional are your traits in your youth. Initiate to change and life will be prosperous. Medium.

34 - Disasters and crisis dominate your life. Change your name to change your destiny. Bad.

35 - You have many talents but the lack of self?confidence conservative attitude prevent you from developing your talents and excel in them. Medium.

36 - A sense of righteousness and always ready to help those in need. But your nobleness is exploited by others with ill intentions. Bad.

37 - You have the blessings from heaven. Your benefactors will help you in the difficulties you faced. Good.

39 - Talented in arts and will succeed in artistic pursuits. One can enjoy fame but may not be rich. Medium.

39 - Contented and hardworking ? The man of patience who waits for the clouds to clear will see the full moon eventually. Good.

40 - Life is full of ups and downs and ever changing. Go with the flow and retreat when necessary and all will go well. Medium.

41 - You are blessed with the resources to achieve success. Cultivate talents, skills and expand your knowledge. With courage, you will be successful. Good.

42 - You lack focus in your occupations and in everything you do. Although you are versatile, you will encounter frequent setbacks. Work harder to polish your skills. Medium.

43 - A flower caught in the rain. Have faith in yourself and you will succeed. Medium. 'This interpretation is bad for females.

44 - You tried very hard to achieve and you have exhausted all strategies. Because you always looking for instant results, you wil1 never achieve much. Bad.

45 - The flowers bloom in spring time. There is no danger and you will overcome all obstacles. Good.

46 - The road to success is filled with obstacles. Must persevere. Bad.

47 - Work hard in your youth and by middle age you will succeed when you meet your benefactors. Good

48 - A crane stands out among the roosters. You are blessed with fortune and great leadership. Good

49 - Always a wanderer and your future uncertain. Must always be cautious in all endeavours. Bad.

50 - A moment of success, a moment of failure. Must be prudent in everything you do. Medium.

5 1 - It finally rains after a long drought. Only time will change your fortune from bad to good. Like a withered tree waiting for the next season before it blooms again. Medium.

52 - The sun comes out after the rain. All wishes fulfilled. Good.

53 - Your luck changes constantly from good to bad and vice versa. Medium

54 - All efforts will not be rewarded. Change your name. Bad

55 - Look good on the outside but your miseries are unknown to others. Cultivate virtues to alleviate your state. Medium.

56 - A good starter but a bad finisher is the cause of your failures. Bad.

57 - The end of winter comes spring, bringing good news. With determination, you are not afraid of difficulties. Medium.

58 - You achieve success at the later part of your life. You faced difficulties in your youth. Medium.

59 - You are indecisive and you lack confidence. Try to change or all will fail. Bad

60 - Personal ambitions are hard to fulfill. Bad.

61 - The crescent moon is covered by the clouds. Will encounter many crisis. Be cautious in all things you do. Bad.

62 - A man constantly seeking for trouble. You cannot get along with your family and others. Best to change your name. Bad

63 - Because of your good character, all roads lead to success. Good.

64 - You like the new and dislike the old. Your petty nature and poor health bring disasters. Bad.

65 - Being noble and honest are your traits. You are respected by others and if you can seize the right opportunities you will achieve success. Good

66 - A long night filled with nightmares. The lack of integrity and poor human relations bring little success. Bad.

67 - You are destined to be your own boss. If you are not tempted by small gains and greed, you will receive bigger fortunes. Good.

68 - Careful and meticulous in planning, you know when to seize opportunities. Hence you will be successful. Good.

69 - Full of turbulence and troubles, your luck has yet to arrive. Bad

70 - Dangers and poor heath dominates your life. Change your name. Bad.

71 - You face difficulties in the beginning but if you are able to persevere, success will eventually come to you. medium.

72 - Like a mountain at the verge of collapsing, you are surrounded by dangers. Even if you are enjoying, do not ignore the warning signs. Bad

73 - Your charitable nature with little regrets brought you abundance of blessings. Good

74 - Lazy and unproductive are your traits. Bad

75 - You are impatient and you want to make it to heaven with one leap. Take one step at a time and you will succeed. Medium.

76 - Disasters abound. You may lose your fife and fortunes. Change your name. Bad.

77 - You either enjoy success very early or very late in your life. Medium.

78 - A flower blooms but never bears its fruits. Hence you will encounter poverty at old age. Bad

79 - The future is uncertain and not bright, like walking in total darkness. Bad.

80 - Discontentment dominates your life. Always finding faults with your surroundings. Be contended or else whatever you gained will be lost through your own foolishness. Medium.

81 - One reaches full circle. All wishes fulfilled and all goes well. Good.

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