Showing posts with label flu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flu. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2022

What to do when your baby has nasal congestion?


Baby nasal congestion or baby “stuffy nose” upsets the baby a lot. They do not know how to communicate to the adults but cry. It can be quite an ordeal to see them suffer and lose their appetite. I
t can really affect sleep and eating habits.

Nasal congestion is typically caused by anything that inflames the nasal tissues - usually a cold, influenza, sinusitis, or allergies. There are several ways to relieve the baby from their nasal discomfort. You can read them here (webmd) but today I'm just going to introduce this method using the nasal aspirator which you can buy at the pharmacy easily. All parents with babies should equip with this gadget.

Babies don't have the ability to blow their nose, so this gadget really helps a lot. This is a quick relieve to their nasal congestion or blocked nose, the ultimate solution is of course to bring them to their pediatrician. 

How to use the nasal aspirator:
Squeeze the bulb before you place it in the nose. That way, when you release the bulb, it will pull out mucus from inside. Please note that if you squeeze when the bulb is already inside a nostril, it will give off a puff of air that could push the mucus farther into the nasal cavity. So be mindful when using this.

Squeeze out any mucus inside the bulb onto a tissue. You can do this about 15 minutes or so before you feed your child and before bedtime. This will help your baby breathe more easily when they nurse, take a bottle, or go down to sleep.

Hope this helps.

Monday, June 18, 2012

How many times can your healthy child sneeze in a day?

I know this is outright funny. But there are parents who are as paranoid as this. The moment their child sneezes, they get uptight, fearing a flu or cold. So perhaps this information about the number of times a child can sneeze in a day will give them some comfort.

A healthy person sneeze on average up to 13 times in a day.

Of course, we do not know if the source is credible. If anyone has other answers, please tell us.
Meanwhile, parents, just relax :)

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