Showing posts with label fussy eater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fussy eater. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2022

What to do when your baby has nasal congestion?


Baby nasal congestion or baby “stuffy nose” upsets the baby a lot. They do not know how to communicate to the adults but cry. It can be quite an ordeal to see them suffer and lose their appetite. I
t can really affect sleep and eating habits.

Nasal congestion is typically caused by anything that inflames the nasal tissues - usually a cold, influenza, sinusitis, or allergies. There are several ways to relieve the baby from their nasal discomfort. You can read them here (webmd) but today I'm just going to introduce this method using the nasal aspirator which you can buy at the pharmacy easily. All parents with babies should equip with this gadget.

Babies don't have the ability to blow their nose, so this gadget really helps a lot. This is a quick relieve to their nasal congestion or blocked nose, the ultimate solution is of course to bring them to their pediatrician. 

How to use the nasal aspirator:
Squeeze the bulb before you place it in the nose. That way, when you release the bulb, it will pull out mucus from inside. Please note that if you squeeze when the bulb is already inside a nostril, it will give off a puff of air that could push the mucus farther into the nasal cavity. So be mindful when using this.

Squeeze out any mucus inside the bulb onto a tissue. You can do this about 15 minutes or so before you feed your child and before bedtime. This will help your baby breathe more easily when they nurse, take a bottle, or go down to sleep.

Hope this helps.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Toddler recipes

Are you pulling at your hair because your toddler refuses to eat anything you serve? Have you exhausted all tricks to make him eat? Many parents are concerned that their finicky eater will go hungry or will not receive the proper nutrition necessary to grow big and strong. We know that forcing food on a child is not a good idea. It is always best to teach your children about the value of healthy eating and have them take part in the fun.

If you are still at wits' end, maybe try out other interesting menus for toddlers from some recipes here:

Food for tots

Toddler dish

Toddler recipes

Friday, October 31, 2008

Handling a fussy eater

Here are some tips from Baby Center:

It's perfectly normal for young children to suddenly decide they will only eat a few foods and refuse everything else - even foods they loved yesterday. They may eat these same few foods over and over again at every meal, while turning up their noses at anything new. Children like things to be familiar, whether it's their bedtime routine or their cheese sandwich, so many children won't try new foods until they've been exposed to them several times.

Picky eating can also be a child's way of exerting his independence ("You can't make me eat that") and may have less to do with the actual food than his need to push the limits of your authority and to assert some control over his life. This is why pressuring a child to eat often backfires. Finally, it may seem like your toddler cannot sit still long enough to eat very much at one sitting because of his short attention span. But children are generally good at getting what they need, even if it doesn't seem like much to you.

Here are some more specific tips on how to handle a picky eater:

• Provide a variety of good foods for your child to eat at each meal.
Keep in mind that it takes multiple exposures to a new food for a child to see it as familiar and OK to try. So, be patient. When you do offer a new food, simply place it on the dinner table with everything else, and don't make a big fuss about it. Eventually, after he's seen you eat the food a few times, he may feel more open to trying it himself.

• Limit the options at mealtimes.
"If you say, 'It's dinnertime. What do you want to eat?' your child will probably choose something familiar to him, and he'll seem like a picky eater," says Hudson. "However, if you say, 'Here's dinner,' he'll choose from among the foods you're offering." Of course, you can't offer an entire meal of unfamiliar foods because your child simply won't eat them. Instead, offer a meal that includes at least one thing you know your child likes.

• When introducing new foods, offer just one or two, and present them in small quantities.
If by some miracle your child is willing to try a new food, give him just a taste before putting a whole serving on his plate. This way he won't feel overwhelmed - and it won't seem like a waste of food to you.

• Some children's palates are more sensitive than others.
They simply won't like the texture, colour, or taste of some foods. This is why a child will often claim to dislike a food he has never even tried. Likewise, some children may have an aversion to a food because it reminds them of a time when they were sick or has some other negative association. If your child complains that a particular food will make him ill, stop offering that food for a while. You can always try again when your child is a little older.

• Whenever possible, let your child be involved in food decisions.
This includes shopping or making his lunch. This will give him a sense of control over his diet, and he'll be more likely to eat something that he's chosen for himself. (This works best if you let your child choose from a small selection of healthy foods you've already picked out!)
As your child's world expands and he begins attending playgroup or nursery, his taste in foods might broaden as well. When he sees his friends eating new and different kinds of food, it might inspire him to eat new things, too.

Your child has an innate sense of how much food his body needs to grow and be healthy, and it's his job to decide what he's going to eat. The best thing you can do is to provide a wide variety of healthy foods in a positive, relaxed environment so that mealtimes will be enjoyable for everyone involved.

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