Month 1
- Lift head briefly when on stomach
- Respond to sound
- Blink at bright lights
- Stare and focus at faces
Month 2
- Smile in response to your smile
- Follow objects with eyes
- Make noises other than crying
- Repeat Ooohs and aahhs
Month 3
- Hold up head at 45 degree angle while on stomach
- Hold head steady when upright
- Laugh and smile
- Recognize your face
- Open and shut hands
- Kick legs
Month 4
- Hold up head at 90 degree angle while on stomach
- Bear weight on both legs
- Goo and coo when you talk
- Laugh and smile
Month 5
- Roll over
- Do small mini push ups
- Pay attention to small objects held in front of his or her face
- Reach out for objects
- Grasp a rattle or toy
Month 6
- Keep head level when pulled to sitting position
- Sit momentarily with minimal support
- Roll back in forth in both directions
- Imitate sound and facial expressions
- Reach for and grabs objects and toys
Month 7
- Sit without support
- Make razzing sounds
- Imitate sound
- Work at getting a toy that is out of reach
- Feed self a cracker or finger food
Month 8
- Start crawling
- Sit without support
- Pass object from one hand to the other
- Respond to own name
- Mouth and chew on objects
- Reach for spoon when being fed
- Turn away when finished eating
- Say mama and dada to both parents (usually isn’t specific)
Month 9
- Stand while holding on to something
- Look for dropped objects
- Pull up to standing position from sitting
- Clap and bang objects together
- Combine syllables into word like sounds
- Separation and stranger anxiety may begin
Month 10
- Stand holding on to someone or something
- Walk holding onto furniture
- Pull up to standing position from sitting
- Wave goodbye
- Crawl well
- Use thumb and finger pincer grasp to pick things up
Month 11
- Say mama and dada to the right parents
- Wave goodbye
- Clap hands
- Understand the word no but doesn’t always obey it
- Stand alone momentarily
- Play ball and patty cake
Month 12
- Imitate others sounds and activities
- Babble different word like sounds
- Indicate wants with gestures other than crying
- Clap hands and bang objects together
- Say one word other than mama or dada
- Crawl well
- Walk holding onto furniture well
- Fearful of strangers
- Pull off socks
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